Considered to be the leading source for business intelligence about compensation strategies of IT solution providers (TSPs), this report provides data and analysis on:

  • Compensation of sales, service, administrative, management, and owner positions common to TSPs.
  • Headcount ratios between the various positions in both lower- and higher-performing TSPs.
  • Total annual earnings (TAE), variable % of TAE, hourly bill rate (for billable employees), and TAE increases in 2023 and planned for 2024 for 50+ TSP positions by:
    • Geographic region
    • City tier
    • US and Canada metro area, and Europe and Australia/New Zealand at a national level
    • Predominant Business Model including MSP and VAR
    • Remote work arrangements: Which employees are back in the office 100% or working remote 100%
    • Benefit costs, including paid time off (PTO) policy

Plus, compensation by practice/department with key metrics addressing each operational area of the company including G&A, managed services, sales and marketing, and owner compensation.

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Sample Charts

Who is Being Paid What?

Detailed Analysis

How Much is Incentive?

Hourly Bill Rates for Technical People

50+ SP/MSP Job Roles in Sales, Service, Admin, Mgmt, Owners

Remote Work Arrangements

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